Thursday, 9 July 2015

PostHeaderIcon My Mad Fat Diary ~ Rae Earl (人・_・)♡

  1. The unique story of a teenager who has both body issues and a desire to have sex.
  2. First episode date: January 14, 2013
  3. Final episode date: July 6, 2015
  4. Adapted from: My Fat Mad Teenage Diary

Dope says ~

My mad Fat Diary has got to be the most beautiful-lest show I have ever watched! To me these 3 seasons have meant so much more watching this show than anything. I don’t know about anyone else but we get to see how an individual copes with situations and an illness they face. Although things could be debated with all this as it’s a very taboo topic amongst peers, but I’m not going into that I am just going to express my views on this show.

Dopes rates –

Where do I start, Rae Earl (Sharon Rooney) played by probably the most influential and dramatic actress ever. I cannot express what it means to me to see a person who can act so well that made it so believable. Rae Earl is the most typical girl anyone could imagine, expect she has an illness of course as the show goes on it progresses to the point of finding herself and going out the big bad world. For three seasons I have stuck by Rae Earl cheering her on, feeling her pain because let’s be honest we all felt like her really to that point. It’s a maddening experience for some but I was super happy to see Rae Earl moves away from all that she becomes someone who grew up and I feel like I did so with her!

The characters in the show, all individuals with the same problem and had a more different approach to how Rae did it, we all know that the connection between Rae and Chloe was the highlight of the show. For me it was the icing on the cake how desperate one can get to confide. Although her connection with her other friends deliver in a nice was as well, Rae didn’t realize it but she was of course the glue that stuck them together honestly. I feel like the music was also the other highlight too, it had hands down one of the best music too! And the artistic delivery with the shots with all scenes the dramatic approach to situations and the animation filled in from Rae’s diary it all fit in and is so memorable.

Dopes dislikes ~

Debatable about the show but I don’t want to say anything that can get me hate!
However I will add that I didn't like the short episodes! But it worked in their favour! 

Dopes conclusion –

Overall one of the best shows ever to give on E4 with a few flaws, I don’t think I have ever been so happy about seeing thing. I remember waiting every night to give it and I was so happy for Monday to arrive. I am a huge fan of this show and the actors that play them too, for me it was like a revelation to something new. I faced a similar situation to Rae but of course I have gotten out of it and I know some people can’t but I feel like this is a good show stating that and it delivered and I couldn’t be happier. Every emotion was like a roller-coaster in the show because we realise that not everyone is perfect so hands down MY MAD FAT DIARY should so be awarded! So give it a watch people you will not be disappointed!

Well it’s sad to say goodbye to a great show but we must move on I hope something else comes out what will my Monday be like now! (T__T) ~

Dopes Trailers ~ 


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