Sunday 18 September 2011

PostHeaderIcon Dawn by V.C Andrews

Images is from the V.C Andrew website.

Name : Dawn
Author : Virginia Andrews

In her fine new Virginia school, Dawn Longchamp feels happy and safe, but nothing is what it seems.
Now Dawn and her older brother Jimmy have a chance for a decent, respectable life, and Dawn's secret precious hope to study singing can come true. Philip Cutler, the handsomest boy in school, sets Dawn's heart on fire. She is deeply devoted to her brooding brother; but with Philip, she imagines a lovely dream of romance...
Then Dawn's mother suddenly dies, and her entire world begins to crumble. After a terrible new shock, she is thrust into a different family and an evil web of unspoken sins. Her sweet innocence lost, humiliated and scorned, Dawn is desperate to find Jimmy again... and strip away the wicked lies that will change all their lives forever!

So here we go, the next series of the book of the wonderful V.C Andrews! who would have thought i would read this after so long, the main focus of the story was of Dawn Cutler! a girl who is very shy and very conscious in the story it follows on to show her journey of being with her family who she doesn't know now but are kidnappers, we saw Dawn joining in school a rich one where her father worked as a maintenance man and her and jimmy her brother got in for free, Dawn had a brief romance with a boy called Phillip who was a very popular and known male student in the school for being a player, but Dawn didn't care about the rumours and continued to date him, Clara sue Cutler is the bad girl who hates Dawn from the moment she saw her, and thus begins a feud between the two girls.

I loved the book at times and then I didn't like it, Dawn Cutler had most probably for me been the weakest character ever she was so emotionally detached as if she was too curious and had no nerves to do things, she had NO backbone! and everyone kept saying the book she had Grandmother Cutler's backbone and I thought no, Dawn wasn't near enough to have that backbone that Lillian Cutler had she was very manipulative and destructive, I hated how Randolph was always at her bidding no wonder Dawn was always so frustrated.

I loved the art in the book, I thought it was amazing I really did love all the twists and turns I felt in the book, examples one was the kidnapping, example two to find out you are related to the Cutlers a very well known people and place! it was amazing but it didn't help when the character was weak it kind of made it harder to connect with her, she was treated differently at first made into a chamber maid which I thought was heartless but she shouldn't have dwelled on it to much! as she lived in a far worse situation than anything like what she had now! Dawn did complain a lot and didn't do anything about it!

However I really enjoyed the situation with Jimmy from growing up to being a brother and sister, it was harder for them to be closer and I enjoyed feeling their pain with them to be able to love someone and not feel any remorse! I hated how Phillip was shown he was so lecherous yes he may have been too infatuated with Dawn but it was just creepy! Your actual brother who later on we find out is her half sister/ Aunt! the Cutler family held too many secrets which shattered nonetheless!

The first secret was the kidnapping it was a set up by her grandmother to not have shame on the family she did this! I thought WOW that was pretty harsh for her to do! the second was finding out about who Dawn's father was which now is the shocking part! Lillian Cutlers husband! and might I say this was revolting! but it was so fascinating for me to read when I got so involved into it, the third secret was Bronson! yes Bronson was Clara Sue's father! it was too good to be true no wonder they were always at each others throats! the fourth was Lillian she was raped by Jed booth! and had a child called Charlotte who they said were their sister but was in fact Lillian's child! Fifth secret was Charlotte and Luther they have a child called Homer! they were an Item and Emily hated that! Emily was a bitter person and contradictory

I really loved the third to last series of the book, I thought they were wonderful I loved how Dawn had been so manipulated by Micheal during her school days that she had suddenly got pregnant with a child! but she loved her daughter regardless of the person! I really enjoyed how she doted on her daughter a lot I understand Dawn had gone through a lot but it was worth a lot when grandmother cutler dies and she is left with a hefty amount of the hotel! she manages fine but is afraid she becomes like her grandmother I loved how Jimmy became a army man and managed to show strength and maturity in the book! he was by far my favorite character in the book! I was seriously in love with him!

He was a wonderful father to Christie who was Dawns and Micheal's child, even then he loves Dawn and I thought that was super romantic! Christie was amazing though she developed nicer than I thought! Jimmy father remarries again and has another child called Gavin who later is an important family member regardless of being half brother to Jimmy. Dawn and Jimmy have a child but Clara sue comes in one day and kicks Dawn while she is down and manages to miscarriage at that point I wanted to kill Clara sue even go so far to arrest her! but no one did anything an that really irritated me to have something like that done to you! why would you let her go? but then again what came around goes around she manages to die later in the book, Bronson and Dawn's mother manages to get married they were lovers and still were which was in a way nice I thought I love Bronson I thought he was amazing!

The fourth book I felt so sad to hear that Christie had managed to turn 16! she has a little romance with Gavin which I thought was super nicer! Gavin really reminded me of Jimmy probably why Christie was close to him and I really liked that they were so innocent with each other, until the terrible morning where they find out Dawn and Jimmy die in a fire! that was horrific sad and very terrible news! Phillip took custody of Dawn and Jefferson her brother and Betty sue Phillips wife takes control thinking she is the lead lady! with her twins Melanie and Richard who by the way are two twerps with no lives! they are mean and very vile! and always picked on Jefferson and I felt such anger towards them that I was irritated when I kept reading, but thank the lord Christie had IMMENSE backbone she was definitely a Cutler! she was so tough that I loved her when she defended herself. 

However that one encounter ruined her in a way, she was raped by Phillip and that was wrong! in so many levels we all know that and i was thankful when she ran away with Jefferson even though they ended up in the Meadows with Gavin in tow it was a pleasant read from then on about the family and of course the relationship and progress with Charlotte, Luther and Homer. But it was overlooked when Fern came back now in College she was a terrible aunt to Christie she was disgusting and disturbing! I really hated her since she came into the books she was a spoiled irritating girl hating everything and making herself look like a slut! but Christie over grew this and I loved it she finally after nearly being raped the second time with Phillip when she was forced to go back manage to go to Bronson! and from their it ended in a lovely way!

Overall :

The story plot was lovely however the character were very much annoying especially Dawn sometimes I didn't like her and I did, but I did love her at times! I thought she was just too easily led! but this is what you get when you read Virginia Andrews stories some heroines are useless and some aren't and most of them are pretty similar to the stories! but the books were fabulous I loved reading them since it's winter soon I recommend reading the series in a warm cosy enjoyment its filled with a lot of twists and it was enjoyable and would be a lovely holiday read!



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