Wednesday 28 September 2011

PostHeaderIcon Rambling!

Of course this picture is not mine! but that's how i feel now!

So today in England its actually a very hot hot day! and in AUTUMN! how im in my room in the dark with my blinds shut as i really do not enjoy Englands hotness! a sizzling disaster that does nothing but make my allergies worse! yeah sucks to have Hayfever in these weather when you should enjoy it completly!

So where was I? Right...I was rambling yeah I need a ramble right now, everything is all so confusing my Uni is confused that we have no course leader and we managed to snag a man who does computing who happens to be our new Illustrator teacher! (Not cool Londonmet) if anything I would have a person who is well known to the subject we are in! 

Another thing is I know I haven't been doing much on my blogs or so and my other one which I pity myself for! as I created and spent effort on reading the ones I needed to write! but I however took the time to manage to write some today even if its a small piece it's just reviewing really!

The great part of today is I am being just lazy lets be honest when its too sunny all we wanna do is be lazy! thats so me! i just hate it here its too hot and sticky and NO WIND! if their was any wind at all I would be ok! but there isn't! and oh god did I forget to mention that WORD hates me! I can't even write my posts on it too hard! and manages to reject it! UGH! 

Everything is all sooo wrong! well that was enough of my rambling hope everyone is cool! :D and enjoying whatever they want or doing unlike me! BOO!



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