Wednesday, 8 July 2015

PostHeaderIcon Bakuretsu Hunters ~ Sorcerer Hunters (^・^)Chu♪

Type: TV
Episodes: 26
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 3, 1995 to Mar 26, 1996
Producers: Xebec, ADV FilmsL, Movic,TV Tokyo Music
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi,Fantasy, Magic, Shounen, Supernatural
Duration: 25 min. per episode
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)

Synopsis ~ 
In the continent of spooner, sorcerers, who are the continent's aristocrats, have begun to abuse their powers. Under the guidance of Big Momma (their boss) Carrot (who turns into a giant monster every time he's placed under a magic spell), Gateau (a bodybuilder), Marron (a mage), Chocolate and Tira (who can transform into dominatrix's at will) must stop the evil sorcerers from picking on the weak; however, none of them (except maybe Marron) have a clue to what's going on. 

Dope says ~

Sorcerer Hunters is a perverted Anime that is good enough for something old school. It’s an Anime that reminds me of how great the storyline to Animes were and how not complicated it was back then, so far this show explains it all really, the Manga however is clearly better and more informative to the storyline than the Anime was because they cut some scenes out!

Dopes rates –

Ok where do I start, the animation isn’t the best but it’s to me considered good as it showed off a very distinctive style to be fair it reminded me of Key metal Idol (if it’s called that from what I remember excuse me (T_T);) but it’s still pretty cool how the evolution of the animation was just simple, what really striked me was each characters crazy colour, Carrot wore a red singlet, Tira had really pink hair and Chocolat had really red/burgundy hair. Marron who had long black hair and of course Gateau who was blonde and blue eyed.

Characters wow, they were something. You had Carrot the ever lecher, Tira misu who was shy but a dominatrix along with her sister Chocolat. Marron who had a brother complex and Gateau who incidentally liked Marron thinking he was a girl. They were all amusing, let’s not even discuss the names they were all named after desserts or food it was interesting and they were sorcerers which was amusing, who would take them seriously! But they were clearly bad ass!

The Music in general was amazing to me I really like the old school style songs. They were upbeat and dark and just all around great they suited the Anime which was nice and the characters too.

Dopes dislikes ~

So far I didn’t like the short animation it could have followed the Manga a bit more. They cut some really crucial stuff like the storyline of finding Gateau and why and who Carrots mother was and Tira’s and Chocolat’s father and what he was and what he did. It all fits in nicely we see flashbacks in the Manga of Tira’s and Chocolat’s childhood and closeness to the boys in general. Its sad because it would have been amazing if they continued.

Dopes conclusion -

Overall, this Anime is really good. It sets a really good tone when watching! I am a bit surprised that some close circles of mine do not know this but I do hope it gets more reconisation! Of course Manga is much better but I cannot deny how good it is still, let’s not forget about the music too and the voice actresses or actors! It’s a really good show I wanted to express how it felt to rewatch it after so long! So remember to read the Manga for a more informative depth of the storyline and continue the Anime you won’t regret it!

Dopes play ~


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