Monday 17 December 2012

PostHeaderIcon Tari Tari - P.A. Works and Masakazu Hashimoto

years : 2012 - sep 2012
season : 1
episodes : 13

summer season 2012 anime series Tari Tari that configures itself as a slice of life story revolving around the life of three high school girls and two high school boys.

For me this has got to be a wonderful slice of life story I came across. It was refreshing to see the concept around it which was mainly focused on "music". It was a very warm show with a lot of emotions thrown around the place where we understood everyone's pain's and gain's. 

Although it primarily surrounds all the kids, it's more or so focused on Wakana, Konatsu and Sawa. We gather by the first episodes or so that Konatsu who loves to sing and dance and was a sub for the choir is adamant on making music with a group. It's one of her dreams and it flowed through there.

Wakana - Simple, scared and possibly confused. She is not sure about music as her fellow classmates and possibly wonders how and why should she join through the series. I love how it took forever to get her to join and once she did we realized how good she was.

Konatsu - is a short chibi girl! who loves to sing and dance and is also the older sister who likes to blackmail the younger one. She amuses me, not just for her but I think what she did was not find her own passion but also found others as well. She makes me laugh when she calls the new student "Ween" 

Sawa - big bossomed and the star archer. She joined in with Konatsu with the singing to help her, she is sweet and very much caring. Her mother is a babe who loves to surf and they both are quite similar in many ways. Her mother was also good friends with Wakana's. 

Taichi - Is cute and very funny, he is the only one who plays badmintion which is something different for me. He is hardworking and can actually sing! He helps out Konatsu so they swap roles and end up having 5 members both ways for both clubs clever thinking!

Atsuhiro (Wien) - Is a returnee from overseas and his name is German. What a funny name but he is really bubbly and cute! he loves to make friends to me he reminds me of a small puppy he makes me giggle. He is obsessed with Super Sentai and is in the after school club with Wakana.

Overall : The members eventually join forces and end up making a group to be reconized for Konatsu's hard work and Wakana's music talents. There was that backstory of Wakana on why she didnt want to join and we find out it was because of her mother. It's a lovely soft story with all the right emotions for me. It was one of those nice summer Animes to get my eyes on and I was glad to watch it! It's a defo watch for those who like light hearted Anime! 

likes : Animation, songs and story
dislikes : nothing so far!!  

I shall leave you guys with some songs!! 



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