Saturday, 15 December 2012
La storia della Arcana Famiglia - HuneX
08:20 | Posted by
☆Chibichaos☆ |
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years : 2012 - sep 2012
season : 1
episodes : 13
There is an organization called the Arcana Famiglia, which protects the island of Regalo. The Famiglia is made up of people who have made contracts with Arcana cards, and have received special abilities due to this. On his birthday celebration, the "Papa" has decided it is time for him to retire and give up his seat to a new male who has control over an Arcana. To decide who in the "family" gets this seat, he calls for a tournament, called the Arcana Duello, between Arcana-users. To the winner, he promises the "Papa" seat, a wish of the winner's choice and his daughter's hand in marriage. Refusing to accept this, Felicitá decides to fight to choose her own path, with her friends Liberta and Nova fighting for her freedom by her side.
I'll do a little intro by saying how this is game, and was adapted from a visual novel before released to a PSP as a game. It's an amazing show one's i will give thumbs up too! I loved every minute I watched of this, the plot to the characters to the voices. They were amazing, I loved the begining of the Anime and hated how the lack of episodes ended the series too.
Felicita - Warm and very passionate. Extreme bad ass, has a great figure is the beauty among the men and the target. She is a bit less on the Anime side which is weird because she is the main of course. Her connection to the guys are lovely and simple they are all wanting her attention and do care for her alot like she does. She has two cards insdie her the lovers and the wheel which is what probably makes her a tough target, she reads people's heart to find out who are bad or not. Plus point but it can get dangerous sometimes with this. The wheel changes fortune of the people she meets which is harsh and good.
Liberta - The fool, and possibly the dense one well there has to be one. He is the second main he cares for Felicita alot and you can tell. He gets squashed alot by her with her breasts and he finds it embarssing. His words are powerful and are the power of his body. He usses a sword well and his foster father figure is Dante.
Nova -Is stuck up and very awkward he is also Death card. He doesnt know how to make friends but it's clearly shown that he literally admires Sumire! It's shown so evidently, he doesn't show much care for Felicita that much but it's there he has the tough love for her. He is not so honest with his feelings until Liberta and him duel it out, it's shown they want to help Felicita as much as possible, he does has a little trauma going on here and there which explains alot. And he is the cousin to Felicita.
Debito - The most awesomest guy ever! he is the Casino helper, he is the card the hermit. He can get invisible when he can. He has the most sexiest voice in the Anime. And it stays in your head so many times, he has one problem with his eyes and he is very sensitive about it, he does want to be closer to the boss lady Felcitia but he knows he is no match. The last episode with him and the battle was hilarious.
Pace - Tall and very much loveable. He is the strength of the group. He loves lasagna and his cameo is literally him eating it not paying for it either. He is the trio of the eldest ones and close friends with Debito, Luca. He cares for Felicita you can tell but he deeply is concerned about the others more.
Luca - The guy whose voice is adorable and suits his image so much. He is amazing he carries the temperance card and the marks on his tongue. Which by the way looks kind of kinky for some reason. He is Felicita butler and looked after her since a kid so he is very protective of her he can also do some alchemy.
Dante - Mr baldy, he carries the emperor, he can manipulate memories. He is very strong and he loves Liberta dearly as well as Felicitia, he is good friends with her father. He owns a ship and usually travels the sea, he makes these weird jokes here and there which is funny.
Jolly - the most awkwardest person in the show, he has the moon card which lets him forcibly get out someones memories. He does alchemy and is very sneaky, the end of the show he is used as a helper and we also find out that he has been with Mondo for so long.
Overall : Well this is the army of Felicitia's future life and her fathers current. I loved this show except it lacked more episodes it should have been called one duel. Because there was just one duel and it was won by default to. It wasn't so epic but it was worth a watch I anticipated more but it was a disappointment in the end. I wanted a bit more action but it was more based on the trio and Nova's parents and Liberta's memories I wish there was more background on Luca, Debito and Pace would have been cool. But overall the music to the animation was just great! I really liked that and it was worth the wait and watch.
likes : music, voices and animation
dislikes : lack of episodes and character background
I shall leave you guys with some awesome music. :)
Best song ever, it sounds so old school!
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- ☆Chibichaos☆
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